PBI-Spanish State present for the dedication of gardens in Madrid in honour of Berta Cáceres

Published by Brent Patterson on

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On June 12, La Vanguardia reported that Mirian García Torres of PBI – Estado Español was present for the dedication of gardens in the Chamartín district of the City of Madrid in honour of Berta Cáceres.

That news report notes, “Berta Cáceres dedicated her life to the struggle for the rights of indigenous peoples and the protection of the environment and, in recognition of that dedication, Madrid City Council wanted her name to remain in the memory of the neighborhood.”

Gacetas Locales adds, “Devoting her life to the defence of human rights, in particular the rights of indigenous peoples, was the reason why the green zone located at the confluence of the streets of Enrique Jardiel Poncela, Santa María Magdalena and the avenue of Alfonso XIII is now called Jardines de Berta Cáceres.”

Cáceres was murdered in March 2016 for opposing a hydro-electric dam on the Gualcarque River on Lenca territory in Honduras.

Less than a year before she was killed, she inspired us with these words: “Let us build societies that are able to coexist in a dignified way, in a way that protects life. Let us come together and remain hopeful as we defend and care for the blood of this Earth and of its spirits.”

The PBI – Honduras Project began providing protective accompaniment to Copinh Intibucá, the organization Cáceres had led, in May 2016.

The news articles can be read at https://www.lavanguardia.com/politica/20190612/462842222585/unos-jardines-de-madrid-recordaran-a-berta-caceres-y-al-almirante-cervera.html and https://www.gacetaslocales.com/acto-homenaje-lider-indigena-berta-caceres-distrito-chamartin The City of Madrid media release is at https://diario.madrid.es/blog/notas-de-prensa/berta-caceres-da-nombre-a-unos-jardines-de-chamartin/

Soy una semilla, Berta no murió, se multiplicó.
I am a seed, Berta did not die, she multiplied.

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