Implications of pause and possible closure of USAID on HRDs in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and Colombia

Photo: Elon Musk and Donald Trump, November 2024. The Associated Press reports: “The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is facing its greatest threat since its inception over 60 years ago, as President Donald Trump and his billionaire adviser Elon Musk spent the weekend impugning the agency that has contributed Read more…

PBI-Honduras accompanied COPINH, ARCAH, CNTC and Arcoiris sign statement declaring emergency in the Aguan Valley

Organizations accompanied by Peace Brigades International-Honduras – including the Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH), the Honduran Alternative for Community and Environmental Vindication (ARCAH), the National Union of Rural Workers (CNTC) and the LGTBI rights group Arcoiris – along with affiliated organizations including the Municipal Committee in Defence Read more…

PBI-Germany together with PBI-Honduras meets with defenders from ARCAH and COFADEH

PBI-Honduras has posted: “Together with ARCAH and Peace Brigades International Deutschland, we accompany the German Embassy in Honduras during a visit to Rio Grande or Choluteca in Aldea Loarque, Tegucigalpa. ARCAH defenders shared about the importance of creating legislation on atmospheric pollution in Honduras and denounced the river pollution allegedly Read more…

PBI-Honduras observes COFADEH press conference following the arrest of former General Romeo Vásquez Velásquez

On January 7, PBI-Honduras posted on X: “Yesterday we observed the press conference convened by @defencofadeh [the Committee of Relatives of the Detained and Disappeared in Honduras -COFADEH] following the arrest of the former head of the Armed Forces, Romeo Vásquez Velásquez, and two other high-ranking military officers accused of Read more…

PBI accompanied defenders from Guatemala and Honduras meet with the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights

Photo: PBI accompanied defenders with Working Group chairperson Fernanda Hopenhaym. PBI-Switzerland has noted: “Four PBI-supported human rights defenders participated in the UN Forum on Business & Human Rights in Geneva, as part of an international delegation representing environmental and social rights struggles.” They add: “Among the defenders supported by PBI Read more…

OFRANEH denounces Canadian Randy Jorgensen for trafficking archaeological items, usurpation of Garifuna lands

Video still: Press conference in front of the Ministerio Publico. reports: “[On November 26 at a press conference in Tegucigalpa] the Honduran Black Fraternal Organization (OFRANEH) denounced Randy Roy Jorgensen, a Canadian citizen better known as ‘King of Porn’, outside the Public Prosecutor’s Office [Ministerio Público/MP] for his involvement Read more…

PBI-Canada meets with Arcoíris LGTB Association of Honduras and the Trans Women’s collective Rainbow Dolls

Photo: PBI-Honduras accompanies LGTBI+ organizations at the Pride March in San Pedro Sula, August 6, 2024. The Peace Brigades International-Honduras Project accompanies the Arcoíris LGTB Association of Honduras and the Centre for LGTBI Development and Cooperation – SOMOS CDC. In June 2021, The Guardian reported that Cattrachas, a Honduran LGTBQ+ Read more…

PBI-Honduras visits Garifuna community of Nueva Armenia following police violence after recovery project

PBI-Honduras has posted: “Together with Peace Brigades International-Canada we visited the Garifuna community of Nueva Armenia (Atlántida). Members of OFRANEH-Garifuna/Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras shared with us about the overcrowding within the community and the attacks and threats they have received after carrying out a land recovery project on the Read more…

Photo-journal of PBI-Canada visit with PBI-Honduras accompanied organizations, defenders and communities

Photo: PBI-Honduras and PBI-Canada stand beside the Guapinol River threatened by the Los Pinares megaproject, October 30. SUNDAY OCTOBER 27 PBI-Canada coordinator Brent Patterson arrives at Palmerola International Airport in Comayagua, a city located approximately 86 kilometres from Tegucigalpa. Photo: Palmerola airport. Contra Corriente has reported: “This concession was awarded Read more…

PBI-Colombia welcomes new brigade members, PBI-Honduras seeks new applicants with November 9 deadline

Photo: (from left to right) Ita from Mexico, Mar, Michael and Celia from the Spanish State, Valeria from Mexico. Yesterday, PBI-Colombia welcomed five new volunteers. The project noted: “From PBI-Colombia we receive with great enthusiasm the new brigade members, who from the Urabá-Bogotá and Barrancabermeja teams will accompany Colombian human Read more…