PBI-Spanish State and Mundubat initiate the Voces defensoras (Defending Voices) solidarity network

The Defending Voices Platform is a joint initiative of Peace Brigades International-Spanish State and Mundubat, “an NGO of men and women from various social realities committed to a change in the world order.” The website explains: “Many of the people who defend fundamental rights, as well as their organizations and Read more…

PBI-Spanish State hosts ‘Impregnated Presence’ photographic exhibition by three brigadistas on their time in Colombia

Peace Brigades International-Spanish State has organized the ‘Impregnated Presence. Vital footprint of three international companions in Colombia’ photographic exhibition to be seen between February 20 and March 13 in Zafra, Spain. PBI-Spanish States notes, “Miguelo, Dorrit and Jorge are three of the more than 680 people who have been part Read more…