PBI-Canada participates in the VIII International Caravana of Jurists to Colombia

Published by Brent Patterson on

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Photo by Justicia y Dignidad.

PBI-Canada Board member Heather Neun participated in the VIII International Caravana of Jurists to Colombia from August 19 to 28.

Neun was also there representing Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC). You can find her article about this delegation on their website here.

The Colombian Caravana-UK Group website notes that: “In partnership with Colombian human rights lawyers and defenders, the Eighth International Caravana of Jurists aims to shed light on the pressing human rights issues faced by Colombia and offers a platform for dialogue, advocacy, and action.”

The organizers have also noted: “In light of the evolving political landscape in Colombia and drawing insights from human rights lawyers and defenders, this delegation prioritises the intricate challenges faced in accessing justice, with a particular focus on ethnic and gender perspectives. Central to our inquiry is understanding the influence of economic interests in exacerbating violence.”

And they have highlighted: “The VIII Delegation aims to spotlight the predominant hurdles encountered by human rights lawyers and defenders as they navigate the quest for justice amidst shifting paradigms in Colombia. This thematic focus enables the Caravana to delve into discussions surrounding the protection mechanisms for human rights advocates and lawyers, as well as the gender and ethnic dynamics intricately woven into the various levels of violence escalation. Importantly, the Caravana amplifies the voices of those most impacted by these dynamics, whose participation is pivotal in bolstering the transitional justice process and paving the way for a stable and enduring peace.”

While more will be coming, we have noted on social media:

“Within the framework of the International Caravan of Jurists, we had the opportunity to share our experience as part of the National Movement of Mothers and Women for Peace, as well as to establish twinning relationships with Peace Brigades International.”

“We met with the [Special Jurisdiction for Peace] and civil society organizations to discuss the human rights situation in southwestern Colombia and create joint actions within the framework of the caravan of lawyers.”


We also draw your attention to the social media posts here, here, here, here and here, plus this social media post from the PBI-Colombia accompanied Luis Carlos Pérez Collective Lawyers Corporation (CCALCP):

“In Cúcuta, from August 20 to 22, delegates from the VIII International Caravan of Jurists were received, who learned about the actions and achievements that civil society organizations and human rights defenders have faced in the enforcement of the public policy provided for in the Final Peace Agreement, as well as the socio-environmental challenges that must be addressed in a transversal manner for the construction of peace in the country.”


Neun also participated in the VII Delegation in 2022. To read their report Confronting Impunity: Protect Lawyers and Judicial Independence, please click here.

We will be sharing the report of the VIII Delegation and more when it becomes available.


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