PBI-Mexico accompanied Peoples’ Front endorses Continental Meeting to build resistance to gas pipelines, October 10-12

Photo: PBI-Mexico accompanied the National Meeting of Struggles against Gas Pipelines and Death Projects, January 2022. As noted in this statement signed by multiple organizations, the People’s Front in Defence of Land and Water of Morelos, Puebla and Tlaxcala (FPDTA-PMT) has endorsed the call for a Continental Meeting building an Read more…

PBI-Mexico speaks at the release of the “Defending Human Rights in Mexico: Silence and Impunity” report

Key excerpts from the Executive Summary of the report “Defending Human Rights in Mexico: Silence and Impunity” include: “THIS REPORT WAS PREPARED collectively by the organizations Urgent Action for Human Rights Defenders AC. (ACUDDEH), the Cerezo Committee Mexico and the National Campaign Against Forced Disappearance. The figures we present correspond Read more…

PBI-Mexico salutes Indigenous communities working in defence of territory, water and their self-determination

Photo: PBI-Mexico accompanies the Peoples’ Front in Defence of Land and Water at the first Assembly of Cholultec Peoples convened by the Union of Peoples and Subdivisions against the Sanitary Landfill and in Defense of Life to reaffirm their rights to self-determination and autonomy; May 14, 2024. On August 10, Read more…

PBI-Mexico accompanies reconnaissance activities in Oaxaca in the continuing search for EPR members Edmundo Reyes Amaya and Gabriel Alberto Cruz Sánchez

Photo by Noticias Oaxaca NVI. This media release highlights: “The Committee of Relatives of the Detained and Disappeared Until They Are Found, together with their legal representation and the accompaniment of the Cerezo Mexico Committee and Peace Brigades International, carried out this week reconnaissance activities in different spaces of the Read more…

PBI-Mexico accompanied Espacio OSC highlights Canada’s recommendation on the protection of journalists and human rights defenders

The Civil Society Organization (OSC) Space (Espacio) for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders and Journalists has highlighted Canada’s recommendation to Mexico on the protection of human rights defenders and journalists during the Universal Periodic Review (examen periódico universal) at the United Nations earlier this year. They have tweeted: “In Read more…

Mexican megaproject implicated in 226 attacks against community defenders promoted in Spain, Germany, Belgium and the US

Video: Margherita Forni of PBI-Mexico (in green vest) speaks (starting at 35:26) at the observation mission media conference, July 27, 2023. On June 27, El Universal Oaxaca reported: “The Interoceanic Corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec (CIIT) project has been developed in Oaxaca through authoritarian methods that include cases of Read more…

PBI-Mexico accompanies the 4th Consultation Forum in Sonora for the Strengthening of Protection for Human Rights Defenders and Journalists

PBI-Mexico has posted: “Last Saturday [July 6] we were accompanying the 4th Consultation Forum in Sonora for the Strengthening of the Protection of Defenders of #HumanRights and Journalists organized by the @IniSinaloa [Initiative Sinaloa, a non-profit civil organization that works in defence of human rights].” Iniciativa Sinaloa also posted:”4th Consultation Read more…

PBI-Mexico accompanied relatives of Edmundo Reyes and Gabriel Cruz demand progress at 12th meeting of search commission in Mexico City

On July 3, the Cerezo Committee posted: “Nadin Reyes Amaya, family member of Edmundo Reyes Amaya, announces the upcoming arrival of family members, human rights organizations, lawyers, social and political organizations, OHCHR [Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights], Peace Brigades International-Mexico Project for the 12th meeting Read more…

TC Energy may have launched “geo-fenced” ad campaign to counter visit of Wet’suwet’en and Otomi land defenders to Toronto and Ottawa

Image from The Narwhal of British Columbia attorney general Niki Sharma, former TC Energy director Liam Iliffe, and premier David Eby. At an internal company presentation on February 22, 2024, TC Energy’s B.C. director of operations Liam Iliffe appeared to discuss “case studies” of the tactics the company uses to Read more…

PBI-Mexico concerned by 226 attacks against community defenders opposed to Interoceanic Corridor megaproject

Photo: PBI-Mexico was part of the Civilian Observation Mission (MCO) in July 2023 documenting concerns about this megaproject. El Universal Oaxaca reports: “The Interoceanic Corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec (CIIT) project has been developed in Oaxaca through authoritarian methods that include cases of disappearance and forced displacement of indigenous Read more…