PBI-Honduras accompanies ARCAH at Crawfish Rock meeting as Honduras exits World Bank investment dispute body

PBI-Honduras has posted: “We accompany ARCAH [the Honduran Alternative for Community and Environmental Vindication] in the second meeting of the National Movement Against ZEDE [Zone for Employment and Economic Development] and in Defense of Sovereignty in the community of Crawfish Rock (Roatan, Bay Islands). We stand in solidarity with the Read more…

CEHPRODEC executive director Donald Hernández: “We go to the territories accompanied by organizations such as PBI”

PBI-Honduras has accompanied the Honduran Center for the Promotion of Community Development (CEHPRODEC) since May 2014. Spanish RTVE radio-television recently interviewed Donald Hernández, the executive director of CEHPRODEC. Below is an excerpt from that full interview. QUESTION: Have you ever suffered threats? ANSWER: Yes, many. The activism in which we Read more…

PBI-Honduras observes protest by Lenca community of Tierras del Padre criminalized for “usurpation” of ancestral lands

On February 20, PBI-Honduras posted: “We celebrate the closing of the process against the 11 people from the Lenca community of Tierras del Padre criminalized for the crime of usurpation. On February 16, when the final letters of freedom were granted to the defenders in the Criminal Court in Tegucigalpa, Read more…

PBI-Honduras laments a police officer has not been sentenced in the femicide of Keyla Martinez in February 2021

Photo: PBI-Honduras accompanied the Committee of Relatives of the Disappeared in Honduras (COFADEH) at the trial of police officer Jarol Perdomo; October 1, 2022. On February 14, PBI-Honduras posted: “Three years after the death of Keyla Martinez inside a police station, a sentence is still awaiting. According to her mother, Read more…

PBI-Honduras welcomes acquittal of Henry Bonilla, opposes criminalization of the national strike

PBI-Honduras has posted: “We attended the trial of Henry Bonilla, accused of the burning of the US embassy, at a demonstration in 2019. He was acquitted and exonerated of all responsibility. We celebrate the work of the @defencofadeh for #HumanRights and against the criminalization of the national strike.” Defensoresenlinea.com further Read more…

Municipal Committee blocks highway, calls on the Honduran government to not renew Los Pinares mining concession

On January 31, Guapinol Exige Justicia (Guapinol Demands Justice) posted a photo of a backhoe loader with the text: “Highway connection on CA 13 between Tocoa and Cayo Campo in the department of Colón.” The yellow banner on the backhoe says: “Alert. This January 28th the ASP mining concession of Read more…

PBI-Honduras notes arrest of Guapinol River defender Leonel George, community opposition to ASP mining concession

PBI-Honduras has reposted a tweet that says: “Defender Leonel George in interview with Pasos de Animal Grande after his arrest by the national police. ‘It is an alarm signal that gives rise to believing that the persecution is reactivated in moments of great tension in Tocoa, Colón.’” To listen to Read more…