Peace Brigades International and the struggle for water justice

Peace Brigades International accompanies numerous emblematic water justice struggles in Latin America. Some of those include: COLOMBIA Water pollution: PBI-Colombia accompanies the Regional Corporation for the Defence of Human Rights (CREDHOS) who in turn accompanies the Federation of Santander Fishers for Tourism and Environment (FEDEPESAN). Their struggle includes the pollution Read more…

Fortuna Silver mine opposed by community of Santa Carina Minas in Oaxaca, Mexico

In November 2018, Peace Brigades International-Canada brought two human rights defenders from Mexico to share their concerns about the intentions and impacts of Vancouver-based Fortuna Silver Mines in the south-eastern state of Oaxaca. Salvador Martínez Arellanes and Neftalí Reyes Méndez visited Toronto and Ottawa with firsthand information and updates about the concerns Read more…