Protest draws attention to Canadian company producing vital component for F-35 warplanes implicated in violations of human rights in Gaza

On November 16 a protest took place outside the Gastops head office on  Polytek Street in Ottawa. The protest was part of an Arms Embargo Now day of action against F-35s “currently being used by the Israeli Air Force to bomb Gaza and Lebanon.” Breach Media has previously reported: “Gastops Read more…

Peace Brigades International and the struggle for water justice

Peace Brigades International accompanies numerous emblematic water justice struggles in Latin America. Some of those include: COLOMBIA Water pollution: PBI-Colombia accompanies the Regional Corporation for the Defence of Human Rights (CREDHOS) who in turn accompanies the Federation of Santander Fishers for Tourism and Environment (FEDEPESAN). Their struggle includes the pollution Read more…

Canadian mining companies have USD $1.7 billion in pending investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) claims against Colombia

Chart from Institute for Policy Studies. Of the six pending mining company arbitration claims against Colombia, four relate to Canadian companies. Those are Vancouver-based Eco Oro Minerals and Red Eagle Mining and Toronto-based Galway Gold and GCM (formerly Grand Colombia Gold). The US dollar amount of those pending claims total Read more…

Toronto-based Brookfield owns Colombia’s fourth-largest dam that impacts artisanal fishers and the San Silvestre wetland

Photo: CREDHOS president Ivan Madero along with Andrea Nocove and Julia Figueroa from CCALCP outside the Brookfield office in Toronto, Canada during a Peace Brigades International-organized advocacy tour in November 2019. Mongabay reports: “In La Playa, a fishing village of around 500 people in Santander, Colombia, well-kept houses and vibrant Read more…

PBI-Colombia accompanied Peace Community co-founder José Roviro Lopez to speak at #NoWar2022 conference

World Beyond War will be holding their #NoWar2022: Resistance & Regeneration virtual global conference this coming July 8-10. World Beyond War notes: “Hosted virtually through the Zoom Events platform, #NoWar2022 will facilitate international solidarity by bringing together speakers and attendees from around the world. #NoWar2022 will highlight unique stories of Read more…

PBI-Honduras accompanies ARCAH in defence of the Choluteca River against pollution by poultry company

On June 7, PBI-Honduras tweeted: “Last week we accompanied @Arcah_hn to the poultry company ‘El Cortijo’ whose toxic waste, warns the organization, is contaminating the Choluteca River and generating bad odors that affect the health and well-being of the people who live in the area.” On Facebook, PBI-Honduras adds: “From Read more…

UN Committee sends third letter to Canada calling on it to stop construction on the Coastal GasLink and Trans Mountain pipelines

Verene Shepherd; RCMP raid on Wet’suwet’en territory, November 2021; Canadian Ambassador Leslie E. Norton. On April 29, 2022, the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination called on Canada to stop the construction of the Coastal GasLink fracked gas pipeline and the Trans Mountain tar sands oil pipeline. Read more…