Mountain Valley Pipeline, financed by Canadian banks and co-owned by a Canadian company, sues water protectors

Photo: Ojibwe water protector Tara Houska, locked to machinery at a Mountain Valley Pipeline worksite, October 16, 2023. In response to a tweet that says: “For Indigenous People’s Day [a holiday in the United States observed this year on October 14] how about we drop all charges on Indigenous Land Read more…

Treatment of Mi’kmaw fishers by federal DFO officers compared to Starlight Tour violence by Saskatoon police

Photo: Mi’kmaw protest at the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia; April 2, 2024. CBC reports: “Two Mi’kmaw elver fishermen say they were forced to walk in sock feet for hours along a rural Nova Scotia highway in the middle of the night last week after Read more…