PBI-Mexico to observe protest demanding closure of Cholula Landfill given concerns about air and water pollution

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Photo: “Demonstration. Out landfill! We demand total cancellation and abandonment plan.”

PBI-Mexico has posted on Facebook:

“In the framework of our accompaniment of the Peoples’ Front in Defence of Land and Water – Puebla, Tlaxcala, Morelos, brigadistas of PBI Mexico will be present in San Pedro Cholula as international observers this Thursday, March 21. The FPDTA – PTM will protest against the sanitary filling [landfill or garbage dump] that endangers the aquifer covers and pollutes the area.”

La Jornada de Oriente further explains:

The Union of Peoples and Subdivisions Against the Cholula Landfill will mobilize tomorrow to protest because despite the fact that there is evidence that the San Pedro intermunicipal landfill contaminates the region, nothing has been done to remedy the situation by the authorities.

The organizers have called for 10 a.m. on Thursday to hold a protest against the confinement, which is located just 300 meters from the Casas Garza housing complex and 600 meters from the Polytechnic University of Puebla (UPP).

In San Pedro Cholula, Puebla, a conflict has erupted over the region’s landfill, triggering tensions between municipal authorities and affected residents.

The main point of contention centers on the expansion of the solid waste landfill, a proposal that has generated resistance and protests from local residents and environmental groups. It is argued by the villages that the expansion of the landfill could have significant negative impacts on the natural environment and the quality of life of nearby inhabitants.

Among the concerns raised by opponents of expansion are increased air and water pollution, as well as the potential risk of diseases associated with waste accumulation. In addition, it is pointed out that the expansion of the landfill could involve the expropriation of land and negatively affect the biodiversity of the area.

On the other hand, the authorities defend the need to expand the landfill to respond to the growing generation of waste in the region and ensure proper waste management. They argue that the existing infrastructure is not sufficient to cope with current and future solid waste disposal demands.

Environmental engineers who participated in a forum held at the Polytechnic University of Puebla on March 4 said that the San Pedro Cholula landfill violates federal restrictions and puts the health of thousands of residents at risk, because it was built near a populated area and on groundwater.

During her presentation, Erika Ramos, an environmental engineer, stressed that the landfill is violating the restrictions on the matter established by federal laws.

For her part, Nayeli Carreón Carmona, a specialist in sanitary landfills, said that at first glance the Cholula landfill does not comply with environmental standards, so it represents a ‘time bomb’ for the region.

A previous article in La Jornada de Oriente also highlights:

It should be noted that according to public information gathered by those affected, the landfill located between the limits of Calpan, Huejotzingo, Juan C. Bonilla and San Pedro Cholula began operations in 2006 and had a useful life of eight years.

It had a projected capacity to receive 200 tons of garbage per day that would only come from San Pedro Cholula, however it currently receives waste from 22 municipalities and the states of Mexico and Oaxaca.

Since 2019 there have been attempts to close; However, it currently receives up to 350 tons and its ‘useful life’ has been extended until 2026.

And this article in Imagen Poblana specifically focuses on the opposition of Indigenous peoples to this garbage dump/landfill now operated by the company Pro Faj Hidro Limpieza S.A. de C. V.

We will be following this today.

Further reading: “Although this landfill is projected for, it seems to me 30 years, it has already exceeded its capacity and puts the aquifers of the Cholulteca area at risk.” – Juan Carlos Flores

Video: “#Puebla Activists from Movimiento 8 de Febrero and the Comité en Defensa del Agua Cholulteca denounce water looting in the municipality of #SanPedroCholula and the creation of a sanitary landfill that -they say- affects the health of the inhabitants.”


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