Meet German Romero on Monday!

Published by Brent Patterson on

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German Romero Sánchez is a Bogotá-based lawyer with the Associated Network of Human Rights Defenders (dhColombia) that PBI-Colombia has accompanied since 2016. To meet him this Monday February 26, register here.

His organization is made up of an interdisciplinary group of professionals, who assume the defence of victims of human rights violations, either individually or collectively. Its work focuses on litigation actions and legal defence in cases of attacks on unions, campesino leaders, political opponents, and Indigenous communities.

German represents victims of serious human rights violations and emblematic crimes against humanity perpetrated mainly by state security forces.

As a result of his work, he has experienced threats, theft of sensitive information, attacks, surveillance against him and his family, defamation and stigmatization statements by the highest representatives of previous governments.

You can meet him on Monday February 26 at 2 pm ET as he speaks about the importance of accompaniment and the need for PBI field volunteers to accompany him and other threatened organizations, defenders and communities.

Marie Zeller, a former PBI-Colombia field volunteer, will further highlight the crucial role of PBI’s accompaniment. The webinar will be moderated by Sophie Kerridge, also a former PBI-Colombia field volunteer, now a lawyer in London, UK.

Register now here.

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