Help support PBI in 2024!
If you can support with a donation of any amount our advocacy for human rights, webinars and field visits with organizations, defenders and communities, research that makes links to Canadian companies, plus e-newsletters and the accompaniment work that we help to amplify, please click here to make an online donation.
Your support will help us continue this work in 2024.
Next year, we plan to:
– organize an advocacy tour in Toronto and Ottawa with Colombian social leaders who have been criminalized for speaking out against the environmental and social impacts on their community by a Canadian oil company
– hold a webinar on the need for protection mechanisms for environmental defenders to be included in the UN COP29 climate and UN COP16 biodiversity talks
– visit with Gitxsan land defenders who are opposing three pipelines to be built on their territory and who are calling for the disbanding of the controversial RCMP C-IRG unit that has been deployed to harass, criminalize and arrest water and forest protectors
– highlight research that links a Canadian company with the construction of the Oxec III dam in Guatemala opposed by the Indigenous Maya Q’eqchi’ peoples who have not given their free, prior and informed consent for this megaproject
– draw attention to the role of Canadian weapons exports in the repression of human rights struggles at the time of the CANSEC arms show in Ottawa
– continue to send out a regular e-newsletter and post on social media articles that contextualize the social justice struggles accompanied by PBI field teams
– launch an innovative campus-based outreach tool to encourage activists to volunteer for 12-18 months to do physical accompaniment of human rights defenders with one of our projects in Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico.
An online donation made here will help make all of this happen.
We also accept cheques mailed to: Peace Brigades International-Canada, 211 Bronson Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, K1R 6H5.
We are a small organization with one staffperson and twelve volunteers that does all of this with a budget of less than $90,000 a year. A donation of any amount goes a long way do help us to this work and a lot more.
Thank you!
Brent Patterson