PBI-Canada observes Peaceful Resistance of Cahabón march to Spanish Embassy in Guatemala City
Today, PBI-Canada observed the Peaceful Resistance of Cahabón march to the Spanish Embassy in Guatemala City. During the march, PBI-Guatemala accompanied Maya Q’eqchi’ defender Bernardo Caal Xol tweeted:
“The struggle continues, hundreds of us are mobilizing today to ask for the freedom of our rivers, no more violations of the rights of the Q’eqchi’ people.”
“We are going to the presidential house and the Spanish embassy to ask where are the 90 million Euros that according to them are being invested in the communities, the companies bring development, but for whom?”
“Let’s demonstrate today May 10, violence towards mother nature and towards the lives of women and girls accompanying this peaceful demonstration.”
“We denounce the violations of the rights of the Q’eqchi’ people, we demand the liberation of the Rios, the cessation of mining and the closure of hydroelectric dams in our territories.”
“We are in front of the supreme electoral court, the one that won’t let Maya sister register @ThelmaCabreraP2 is racism and electoral fraud. THE PEOPLE REALIZE THEIR ACTIONS.”
“For the record we came in front of the @TSEGuatemala [the Supreme Electoral Tribunal] to denounce the kidnapping of the Cahabon River and our solidarity with comrade Thelma who legitimately represents the rights of indigenous peoples.”
“50 years the Cahabón and Ox eek’ Rivers will be tortured by the licenses granted by the Ministry of Energy and Mines, the Q’eqchi’ people tell you that there was no community consultation.”
“Since the experience of our ancestors, women have been present in the care of water, that is why we come to demand the liberation of mother earth and our sacred rivers.”
“Our destination is the Spanish embassy in Guatemala, we want to know what sanctions will be given to Florentino Perez president of the @realmadridfem [soccer team] for violating the rights of the Q’eqchi’ people with his company Cobra S.A. We ask that he be removed from our territory.”
“We are already close to the Spanish Embassy in Guatemala, where we are going to deliver a memorial to request the immediate expulsion of the mining and hydroelectric companies in our territory, there was no community consultation.”
“We arrived at the Spanish Embassy in Guatemala”
“We are going to wait here in front of the Spanish Embassy to see if someone comes out to attend to our complaints and demands.”
We will continue to follow this and post updates as they become available.
“Today the Q’eqchi’ people carry out the #MarchaPorLaDefensaDelAgua led by women, towards the Embassy of Spain to demand transparency from the Spanish companies that have built dams on the Cahabón river.”
The Peace Brigades International-Guatemala Project has accompanied the Peaceful Resistance Cahabón since July 2017.