PBI-Honduras accompanies CEHPRODEC at Earth Day youth march in San Esteban, Olancho
On April 24, PBI-Honduras posted:
“On Saturday, April 22, International Earth Day, we accompanied the Honduran Centre for the Promotion of Community Development (CEHPRODEC) during the youth march to celebrate and raise awareness for the care of the Planet, in San Esteban, Olancho.
In 1992, the United Nations Earth Summit took place in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, during which 183 countries participated in the Convention on Biological Diversity (Honduras ratified in 1995), with the objective of promoting cooperation mechanisms between countries, disseminating information and monitoring common objectives and commitments.
Human beings were identified as the main responsible for the loss of biodiversity and as a central actor to promote the change towards a development that is first and foremost sustainable for all living species on the planet.
From PBI we applaud CEHPRODEC, the youth and their commitment to the defense of Mother Earth, hoping that every effort will contribute to build a better future!”
PBI-Honduras has previously highlighted: “CEHPRODEC was founded in 1991, with the aim of working on food and land sovereignty with families who live in rural areas of Honduras. Since 2009, the organisation has been focusing its work on the defence of human rights, in particular on economic, social, cultural and environmental rights. They offer technical and legal advice to indigenous and small-farming communities and facilitate organisational, training and protection processes. CEHPRODEC is present in eight of the 18 departments in the Republic of Honduras and coordinates the National Coalition of Environmental Networks and Organisations (Coalición Nacional de Redes y Organizaciones Ambientales – CONROA).”
PBI-Honduras has accompanied CEHPRODEC since May 2014.