PBI-Colombia accompanies CREDHOS at Camp for Dignified Life and Total Peace in Cantagallo
On March 28, PBI-Colombia tweeted:
“We accompany @Credhos_Paz at the Camp for dignified life and total peace, a fundamental space to know the situation of violations of #HumanRights and #InternationalHumanitarianLaw and seek alternatives for #prevention and #protection in the territory.”
Earlier, CREDHOS had tweeted:
“We were at the Camp for a dignified life and total peace, in the village of Trasmallo, Correg. de San Lorenzo, municipality of Cantagallo, Bolivar. We met with the peasant communities of the 4 blocks of the Junta de Acción Comunal; La Victoria, La Esperanza, San Lorenzo and Santo Domingo.
Actively participated in the Inter-institutional Dialogue, in which different organizations, institutions and the international community participated;
UN Human Rights Office, Mapp OAS [Mission to Support the Peace Process in Colombia/ Organization of American States]
Ombudsman’s Office
UN Verification Mission
Peasant Families
and the UBPD [Unit for the Search of Disappeared Persons]
This space allowed us to learn first-hand about the situation of serious Human Rights violations and breaches of International Humanitarian Law and to look for alternatives to generate actions for the prevention and protection of situations in the territory.”
PBI-Colombia has accompanied the Regional Corporation for the Defence of Human Rights (CREDHOS) since 1994.