PBI-Canada delegation to visit accompanied organizations, defenders and communities in Guatemala
Photo: The delegation will be travelling to the South Coast of Guatemala to meet with the Retalhuleu Community Council (CCR) who have been criminalized for their resistance to the sugar mills that pollute local water sources.
A PBI-Canada delegation will be visiting Guatemala in the coming weeks to meet with PBI-Guatemala accompanied organizations, defenders and communities.
Among those we hope to be meeting with:
Retalhuleu Community Council (CCR)
Verapaz Union of Campesina Organizations (UVOC)
Chicoyogüito Neighborhood Association of Alta Verapaz (AVECHAV)
TZK’AT Network of Ancestral Healers of Territorial Community Feminism from Iximulew
Peaceful Resistance of La Puya
Bernardo Caal Xol (Peaceful Resistance of Cahabon)
Maya Ch’orti’ Indigenous Council of Olopa
Carlos Ernesto Choc
Stay tuned for reports from Guatemala while we are there as well as follow-up webinars in the weeks and months following this delegation.