Nomadesc, CSPP and CCAJAR in collaboration with Amnesty International call for the dismantling of the ESMAD riot police
On March 2, Amnesty International stated:
“Today a diverse and broad group of Colombian human rights organizations and victims of excessive use of force by Colombian security forces presented, in collaboration with Amnesty International, a set of proposals with a differential, intersectional and human rights-based approach for comprehensive reform of the police.”
Among the organizations presenting these proposals are the PBI-Colombia accompanied NOMADESC, Fundación Comité de Solidaridad con los Presos Políticos (CSPP), and Colectivo de Abogados Jose Alvear Restrepo (CCAJAR).
The proposals include this one on page 14 of the report:
4.4.2. Progressively dismantle the Mobile Anti-riot Squadron, creating and strengthening cross-cutting dialogue processes for the attention of possible affectations derived from demonstrations and social protest. At In any case, the initial accompaniment of demonstrations and protests must be carried out by the territorial authorities and the Public Prosecutor’s Office.
With the release of the report, CCAJAR tweeted: “The ESMAD must be gradually dismantled and work comprehensively on factors that have led to serious human rights violations in the context of social protest. #PoliceReformNow.”
Two weeks ago, PBI-Canada interviewed Oscar Ramirez of the CSPP about dismantling the ESMAD. For that full interview, plus excerpts, in English, please click here.
PBI-Colombia also accompanies CREDHOS and dhColombia, both of which have also called for the dismantling of the ESMAD.
At this time, we also recall and highlight that during the national strike in Colombia in 2021, the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC), the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) and the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) all supported the popular call for the dismantling of the ESMAD riot squad.
The full report can be read at: Repression in the Spotlight: Proposals for Comprehensive Reform of the Police.