The film Ruido (Noise) tells the story of a woman searching for her forcibly disappeared daughter in Mexico
Indie Hoy reports: “Netflix has just added to its catalog a Mexican film … Ruido, a 104-minute film directed by Natalia Beristain that is based on real events and deals with the disappearance of women in Mexico.”
The synopsis of the film states: “Julia is a mother, or rather Julia is one of many mothers, sisters, daughters, companions who have been crossed by one of the many violences of a territory at war with its women. Julia looks for Ger, her daughter; and in doing so she will weave networks with different women and their various struggles.”
Variety comments: “Noise weaves near documentary elements – a San Luis Potosí abduction fiction search party made up of its real life members – and dream-like sequences, capturing Julia’s sense of rage, impotence and some kind of hope.”
The trailer for the film is here.
The number of missing people in Mexico has risen to over 100,000 people since 1964.
Al Jazeera has reported: “Disappearances began during the Mexican authorities’ so-called dirty war against revolutionary movements of the 1960s to 1980s. More recently, disappearances and homicides have soared amid a nationwide push to crack down on drug cartels and organized criminal groups in the country.”
That article further notes: “The violence and disappearances disproportionately affect women and girls. In Mexico, an average of 10 women a day are killed, and tens of thousands more go missing.”
NBC News has also previously reported: “The majority of disappearances have been reported since 2006 and 40 percent were recorded since December 2018, since the start of the administration of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.”
David Jiménez of the Fray Juan de Larios Centre for Human Rights has commented: “Putting the truth on the table about all the murders and disappearances would expose the role played by the military and the authorities. And still playing.”
On May 11, 2022, PBI-Mexico tweeted: “PBI accompanies on this May 10 Mother’s Day search groups and relatives of disappeared persons in the XI National Dignity March, Mothers looking for their sons and daughters, Truth and Justice in #CDMX [Mexico City].”
PBI-Mexico has also accompanied the Paso del Norte Human Rights Centre as they search for the remains of missing persons.
PBI-Mexico says: “The search for truth, justice and the return home of the disappeared is essential to guarantee peace and human rights.”