PBI-Honduras accompanies LGTB Rainbow Association at sit-in for ratification of Convention on discrimination against women protocol
On October 20, PBI-Honduras tweeted:
“PBI accompanies the LGTB Rainbow Association of Honduras at the press conference and sit-in to request the ratification of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).”
The Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) is an international treaty designed to uphold women’s and girls’ rights around the world.
The UN has explained: “By ratifying the Optional Protocol, a State recognizes the competence of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women — the body that monitors States parties’ compliance with the Convention — to receive and consider complaints from individuals or groups within its jurisdiction.”
The General Assembly adopted the 21-article Optional Protocol on October 6, 1999 and called on all State parties to the Convention to party to the new instrument as possible.
Honduras ratified the Convention in 1983, but has not ratified the Optional Protocol.
On October 18-19, a committee of international women’s rights experts reviewed Honduras’ progress in implementing the Convention.
Arcoiris has also shared on their Facebook page:
“Press conference and sit-in with feminist organizations to show that the CEDAW protocol has not been ratified and that the debt to women’s human rights continues.
Honduras has gone backwards in the recognition and guarantee of the sexual and reproductive rights of women, the National Congress in 2021 reformed article 67 of the constitution to shield any possibility of legalizing abortion, in addition, the Secretary of Health continues to maintain the prohibition of the Emergency Contraceptive Pill (PAE), for 13 years.
We demand immediate action in those quickly approved measures that can guarantee the enjoyment of human rights for women!”
Criterio.hn recently reported:
“Between January and June 2022, the Public Ministry has registered at least 2,232 complaints of sexual violence, of which 72% correspond to girls (960) and women (655), according to data that was compiled by the observatory of the Center for Women’s Rights (CDM). According to the figures, an average of 269 complaints of sexual violence against girls and women are registered monthly.
Despite the high rates of sexual assaults directed towards half of its population, the State of Honduras maintains the absolute prohibition of abortion and the use of the Emergency Contraceptive Pill (ECP), so that women and girls who have experienced sexual violence can be forced to continue an unwanted pregnancy against their will, perpetuating the cycle of violence faced by girls and women, Human Rights Watch said.”
PBI-Honduras has accompanied the Rainbow Association since July 2015.