PBI field volunteer webinar, Sunday October 23
Join us on Sunday October 23 at 2 pm ET to hear PBI staff and volunteers speak about what it is like to be a field volunteer/brigadista!
To register for this webinar, click here.
Bring your questions!
The webinar will feature:
Roslynn Beighton, field volunteer with PBI-Honduras.
Duna Manent Puigjaner, Training Coordinator with PBI-Mexico.
Clara van Tienhoven Amil, former field volunteer with PBI-Mexico now Volunteer Coordinator with PBI’s team in Mexico City.
It will be moderated by Andrew Miller, a PBI-Colombia field team member in 1999-2000 and now Advocacy Director, Amazon Watch.
This webinar is happening just prior to the October 28 deadline for volunteer applications to the PBI-Mexico Project.
To register for this webinar, click here.
For more on that application process, click here.
PBI-Canada is co-organizing this webinar with PBI-UK, PBI-USA and PBI-Nederland in collaboration with PBI-Mexico.
For more on this, please also see the PBI-UK article: PBI Webinar: Volunteering for Human Rights.