PBI-Honduras accompanies the National Encounter of Trans People

Published by Brent Patterson on

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Photo by Muñecas de Arcoiris.

On September 2, PBI-Honduras tweeted:

“We recently accompanied different organizations of Honduran trans people during the ‘National Encounter of Trans People, We Lead, Let’s Make It Reality!’”

On Facebook, PBI-Honduras further notes that the full name of the meeting was: “National Meeting of Trans People. We Lead, Let’s Make It Reality! Towards the recognition of a Gender Identity Act and recognition of Sexual and Reproductive Rights”.

They also noted:

“Among other things, the participants reflected on the importance of passing a gender identity law, name change and other laws, protocols and public policies that promote and protect their human rights. They also recalled, through a public statement, the importance of the State complying with the reparations established by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (CIDH) for the Vicky Hernandez case.

From PBI we highlight the important work of organizations and individuals of the LGBTI+ community in demanding and defending their human rights. We recall that rights must be guaranteed for all people without any distinction.”

Photo by SOMOS CDC.

The Peace Brigades International-Honduras Project has accompanied Arcoíris, the LGTB Association of Honduras since July 2015 and The Centre for LGTBI Development and Cooperation (SOMOS CDC) since January 2022.

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