PBI-Honduras accompanies Olanchano Environmental Movement in Defense of Life (MAODVI) on environmental walk

Published by Brent Patterson on

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PBI-Honduras has tweeted:

“On July 7, International Soil Conservation Day, we accompanied MAODVI (Olanchano Environmental Movement in Defense of Life) in the great environmental walk in Olancho for the protection of the natural assets of the Sierra de Agalta.”

On Facebook, PBI-Honduras adds: “According to CEHPRODEC more than 700 people participated in the walk. From PBI, we applaud MAODVI’s efforts to conserve natural assets in the department, heavily impacted by mining and tree felling.”

Sierra de Agalta is a mountain range in Eastern Honduras. It includes a National Park and is almost entirely located within the department of Olancho.

Tiempo also recently reported:

According to councilman Sergio Campos, there is currently concern in Catacamas, Olancho, due to the decay of the Talgua River.

Likewise, Campos reported that the Talgua River provides between “70% to 80% of the water we consume in Catacamas, and it is dying.”

Campos also mentioned the Sierra de Agalta, where 70% is in the territory of Catacamas, but we have turned our backs on it. The problem is the previous authorities and now we are practically doing the same.”

Campos also referred to the current situation of rivers in Honduras. “Despite the fact that President Xiomara Castro made a law, all that only remained on paper. What is happening is that we are fighting an organized group of criminals who are leaving us without natural resources,” Campos said.

Last month, HCH also reported: “Environmental crime! Merciless logging slowly kills the Talgua River in Olancho.”

And last September, HCH reported: “The Talgua River is in danger if it exists, since the indiscriminate felling of trees is causing droughts. Surrounding residents accuse ranchers of carrying out the felling and ask the authorities to punish the forest murderers.”

We continue to follow this situation.

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