PBI-Honduras accompanies the Central American Forum on Human Rights, Sexual and Gender Diversity
On May 20, PBI-Honduras tweeted:
“PBI accompanies the Central American Forum on Human Rights, Sexual and Gender Diversity. We highlight the importance of respecting the human rights of the LGBT+ community, as well as their participation in decision-making. @arcoirisghn @somoscdc_hn”
On Facebook, PBI-Honduras also noted:
“At the forum, different topics are discussed, among which they are:
-Analysis of the Human Rights Situation of LGBT+ Persons
-Political Participation of LGBT+ People
-Initiatives of laws and public policies to guarantee the human rights of LGBT+ persons
We remember the importance of implementing public policies that guarantee respect for the human rights of the community as well as their active participation in decision-making.”
PBI-Honduras has accompanied Somos-CDC (the Centre for LGTBI Development and Cooperation) since January 2022 and Arcoiris (LGTB Association of Honduras) since July 2015.
Arcoiris tweet: “Central American Forum on Human Rights, Sexual Diversity and Gender. Panel 1: Analysis of the situation of the Human Rights of LGBT+ People Panel 2: Political Participation of LGTB+ people to promote LGT+ agendas in Central America.”