PBI-Canada webinar on fracking in Colombia this Sunday May 8

Published by Brent Patterson on

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Scotiabank has provided $3 billion in financing to Ecopetrol, the company that wants to see 19,800 fracking wells drilled in Colombia.

Meanwhile, environmental defenders speaking against fracking in the environmentally-sensitive Magdalena Medio region are receiving death threats.

And while a recent court ruling has temporarily suspended two pilot projects, it is possible that they could proceed later this year or early in 2023.

Join us on Sunday May 8 at 2:30 pm ET to hear Yuvelis Morales and Carolina Agon talk about this dynamic and dangerous situation.

Both have received death threats and have had to leave their homes for being water protectors opposed to the harms of fracking.

Bronwen Tucker, the Edmonton-based Global Public Finance Co-Manager at Oil Change International, will also talk more about the Canadian corporate connections to this situation with profound human rights and environmental implications.

The webinar will be moderated by Professor Luis van Isschot, a member of the PBI-Canada Board of Directors.

Click here to register for the webinar.

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