PBI accompanied human rights defenders post World Water Day messages on social media
Today, March 22, is World Water Day.
We present below a compilation of just a few of the World Water Day messages posted to social media by struggles accompanied by Peace Brigades International.
Guapinol River defenders in Honduras
Guapinol Resiste tweeted: “For standing up to protect the water, 8 defenders were illegally detained for 914 days. We recognize your sacrifice and that of your families & community. We promise to continue fighting for a Tocoa without mining because #AguaEsVida [water is life]. #GuapinolResiste #DiaMundialdelAgua2022 [World Water Day 2022].”
CREDHOS in Colombia
CREDHOS tweeted: “#35AñosDefendiendoLaVida [35 years of defending life] Today we continue to defend life and water as our most important wealth, in it lies the sustenance of peasants, fishermen and the inhabitants of Magdalena Medio. #RíoMagdalenaVíctimaDeLaGuerra [Magdalena River victim of the war] #RíoMagdalenaSujetoDeDerechos [Magdalena River has rights].”
Bernardo Caal in Guatemala
“Do not divert and do not pollute the rivers, they give us life.” – Bernardo Caal Xol
Peoples Front in Mexico
The Peoples Front in Defence of Land and Water tweeted: “The #CaravanaPorElAguayLaVida [caravan for water and life] kicks off with a carnival in front of #Altepelmecalli Juan C Bonilla. #NuestraLuchaEsPorLaVida [our struggle is for life]”
COPINH in Honduras
COPINH tweeted: “#DiaMundialDelAgua [World Water Day] ‘Water is life’ and it is the blood that flows in our mother Earth. On this World Water Day, we demand the cancellation of the environmental license and the Agua Zarca hydroelectric project on the Gualcarque River. Free waters, free peoples! #PorLasAguas [for the water] #PorLaVida [for life].”