PBI-Mexico accompanies journalists in Chihuahua protesting the murder of 28 colleagues since 2000 and the five deaths this year
On February 14, PBI-Mexico tweeted: “This afternoon we accompanied the call for communicators and journalists in the state of #Chihuahua, in front of the Municipal Palace in the framework of the national ‘The truth is not killed’ mobilization.”
PBI-Mexico also tweeted:
“33 chairs were placed in the place, 28 in memory of the journalists murdered in #Chihuahua between the years 2000 and 2022. In addition to 5 more chairs for the murders of 5 journalists nationwide so far in 2022.”
“The organizers described this peak of violence against journalists as the highest since 2017. They demand that the lines of investigation of the homicides put their journalistic work at the center, as well as that said murders not go unpunished.”
“#Chihuahua is among the 5 states in the country that register the highest number of murders of journalists.”
El Heraldo de Chihuahua reports: “On Monday, February 14, chihuahua journalists gathered in the Plaza de Armas to demand justice for the cases of their colleagues killed so far this year. They demanded from the authorities such as President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, as in the last march, the non-repetition of the acts and the correct investigation of the facts, but also the protection of reporters and the pause to hate speeches towards the press.”
El Pais also reports:
“On Monday [February 14], journalists from fifteen cities came out to demand action from the government against the attacks.
It is the second time since the beginning of the year that journalists in Mexico have had to go out to protest. In the first six weeks of 2022, five reporters have been killed. One crime every eight days.
The Committee to Protect Journalists already considers this period to be the deadliest for the country’s press in more than a decade.
The first demonstration was organized at the end of January to demand justice for José Luis Gamboa, Margarito Martínez, Lourdes Maldonado; to that of this Monday are added the photos of Roberto Toledo and Heber López. They were shot, stabbed, in their cars or leaving their jobs. These crimes are the tip of the iceberg of a guild that lives besieged by violence.
In recent weeks, criticism of the Mechanism for the Protection of Journalists has been common, because, for example, Lourdes Maldonado was incorporated, which did not prevent the hitmen from murdering her on January 23.”
The full article in El Pais can be read at Los periodistas exigen al Gobierno acciones contra la violencia en el período más letal para la prensa en México.
According to the organization Article 19, 150 journalists have been killed in Mexico since 2000. Of these crimes, 47 occurred during the 2012-18 term of Enrique Peña Nieto and 30 in the current administration of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (since December 1, 2018).
“The truth is not killed by killing journalists”
Photo below by Raichali.
Photo below by El Heraldo de Chihuahua.