Salvemos los cerros works to save hills to save water, mitigate climate change

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The Facebook page for Salvemos los cerros de Chihuahua (Save the hills of Chihuahua) highlights: “The hills of Chihuahua are a source of life, knowledge, beauty, work and culture, and today they are at risk, join us to save them.”

It adds: “We are inhabitants of Chihuahua City, we want to save the hills that are the source of life, water, air, culture, identity, because we believe that if we do nothing, we and future generations will not be able to enjoy this enormous wealth and beauty. We want more people to join and share this information, and to raise awareness among their families and friends. We do not want more destruction of the environment or more pollution, we want people to develop to the fullest with values in balance with mother nature.”

And their website notes: “We all lose out with the terrible political and economic model that destroys the environment. A few make a lot of money, but money can’t be eaten, it can’t be taken, it can’t breathe, and it can’t heal. What do we prefer, to take care of Mother Earth, to respect the collective human rights of us and our children or that a few continue to earn a lot of money?”

Last month, El Heraldo de Chihuahua reported: “Activists of the ecological group Salvemos Los Cerros de Chihuahua, held a demonstration on the Periférico R. Almada with the aim of demanding that the large hill be recognized as a protected natural area in its modality of natural monument.”

That article adds: “Luis Rivera, spokesman for the movement and one of the activists, said that the destruction plans that affect this hill continue on the part of the authorities, so they seek to raise awareness among citizens, through these peaceful activities.”

This past July, they also tweeted: “The hills help capture water and mitigate climate change. As the destruction of natural areas advances, so will “natural” disasters.”

In July, Luis Rivera also spoke at this Facebook live event on the topic of Climate Crisis and Racism in the context of #500AñosdeResistencia (500 years of resistance).

Raichali has also reported: “Luis Andrés Rivera, “Lucho”, of Salvemos Los Cerros Chihuahua, demanded that the State Government accept the proposal for the ecological preservation of the 18 hills of Chihuahua, which have been intentionally burned on several occasions.”

That article adds: “Activists suspect that the intention behind these fires is to destroy the existing flora and fauna and thus, those who are interested in these spaces, can argue that an administrative change in land use is necessary, to promote other types of projects.”

It further notes that Salvemos Los Cerros Chihuahua works with Extinction Rebellion, Cooperación Ecológica A.C., and Fridays for Future among other groups on these issues, including the issue of water protection in the state of Chihuahua.

To learn more about Salvemos los cerros de Chihuahua you can find them on Twitter and Facebook.

Photo by Gerardo Aguirre/El Heraldo.

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