PBI-Colombia accompanies the Commission of Justice and Peace as delegations visit Alto Guayabal and Turbo

On September 29, PBI-Colombia tweeted: “National and international delegation with @IrelandColombia [the Embassy of Ireland in Colombia], @HelenaSweden [Helena Storm, the Swedish Ambassador to Colombia], @enoorman [Ernst Noorman, the Dutch Ambassador to Colombia], @MAPPOEA [the Mission to Support the Peace Process] visited with @Justiciaypazcol [Commission of Justice and Peace] to Read more…

PBI-Honduras accompanies CEHPRODEC at ZEDEs and Mining Law appeals at Supreme Court of Justice

On September 29, PBI-Honduras posted: “PBI accompanies CEHPRODEC in the presentation of unconstitutionality appeals against the ZEDES [Zones of Employment and Economic Development] and against the reform of the Mining Law.” Their post quotes Donald Hernández of CEHPRODEC who says: “We know that there is no mine in the world Read more…

RCMP use pain compliance against land defender opposed to megaproject on Gidimt’en territory

On September 28, Gidimt’en land defender Sleydo’ provided this video update on the struggle to defend the sacred Wedzin Kwa headwaters from the Coastal GasLink pipeline being built on Wet’suwet’en lands without their free, prior and informed consent. She notes: “The second day [Monday September 27] they [RCMP police] came Read more…

Hereditary Chief explains to RCMP that Supreme Court’s Delgamuukw decision trumps lower court injunction

Photo: A Wet’suwet’en hereditary chief explains the significance of the Delgamuukw decision to the RCMP on Gidimt’en territory in British Columbia, Canada. Gidimt’en land defenders and allies are currently blocking Coastal GasLink (CGL) from drilling under the Wedzin Kwa river for their fracked gas pipeline. Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs are at Read more…

PBI accompanies CSPP president Franklin Castañeda meeting with UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

Photo: Michelle Bachelet, Franklin Castañeda and Kim-Mai Stéphanie Vu. On September 28, Franklin Castañeda, the President of the Committee in Solidarity with Political Prisoners (CSPP), tweeted: Thanks to @mbachelet, High Commissioner of @ONU_es for human rights receiving me in Geneva and listening to our concerns about the human rights situation, Read more…

Gidimt’en land defenders block fracked gas pipeline drill site, face criminalization by RCMP and CGL security

Still from Gidimt’en video. On September 26, Gidimt’en Checkpoint tweeted: “Chief Sleydo’, Shay Sampson (Gitxsan Nation), & supporters locked down to heavy equipment.” The heavy equipment is situated beside Wedzin Kwa, the river that Coastal GasLink (CGL) intends to drill under to lay pipe for their fracked gas pipeline that Read more…

PBI highlights at the UN Human Rights Council the criminalization of land and territory defenders in Guatemala

Bernardo Caal Xol (Q’eqchi’) and Justino Xollim (Poqomchi) were among the criminalized defenders highlighted by PBI at the United Nations today. At the 48th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland today, Peace Brigades International advocacy coordinator Kim-Mai Vu highlighted our concerns about the criminalization of land and Read more…