What are the ways to purchase in Canada coffee produced by CCDA communities in Guatemala?
Photo: PBI-Guatemala accompanied the CCDA on a visit to communities of Xyaal Kobee and Xa Jobche in November 2019.
The Peace Brigades International-Guatemala Project accompanies the Campesino Committee of the Highlands (CCDA).
PBI-Guatemala explains: “The CCDA is a peasant organization that accompanies and advises communities, mostly indigenous, that fight for access to land and ownership to create dignified living conditions in the face of eviction and dispossession of their lands where these communities have lived for many generations.”
Our friends at the Maritimes-Guatemala Breaking the Silence Network recently highlighted that “the purchase of BTS Coffee promotes Fair Trade Plus practices through the additional support of the land and labour rights work of the CCDA.”
Kathryn Anderson from Breaking the Silence has noted you can once again buy the coffee at the BTS Kiosk at the Halifax Forum Farmers’ Market (Saturdays 8am-1pm). She has also noted you can order BTS Coffee in Halifax via this webpage.
Furthermore, Breaking the Silence also encourages individuals and groups throughout the Maritimes and Eastern Canada to order Breaking the Silence coffee from the Just Us! Coffee Roasters Cooperative.
Groups such as churches, unions and community groups. can register to purchase Breaking the Silence coffee at the wholesale price with shipping free for orders over $200. Please also note that for retail purchases, shipping is free for any order over $50.
CCDA coffee is also available through BC CASA. On this webpage, they note: “Coffee orders can be made from anywhere in North America, but this order form is primarily designed for orders from Western Canada and the North. If you live in Central Canada, your order will arrive more quickly if you order from a local Cafe Justicia group.”
In Ontario and Quebec, Café Justicia has noted: “For more information on delivery schedule, pick up, or where you can buy this coffee, please contact us: Hamilton (905) 308-7450; Kitchener-Waterloo (519) 498-0413; Mississauga (416) 826-3039; Montreal (514) 609-4602 or (514) 292-6175; Ottawa (613) 240-4322; and Toronto (416) 671-9130.”
For these cities, you can also email yolyelias@yahoo.com.
We are also told that people in Ottawa can buy Cafe Justicia coffee at Octopus Books and/or by sending an order via email to edu.in.action@gmail.com.
As noted here: “Cafe Justicia is produced by cooperatives organized by the Campesino Committee of the Highlands. Sales of the coffee not only support the families of cooperative members but also fund social development projects in surrounding communities and the CCDA’s broader struggle for social justice in Guatemala.”
That webpage adds: “Cafe Justicia is imported and roasted in Canada by BC CASA, a BC-based solidarity organization. All profits from sales in Canada are returned to the CCDA and other social justice organizations in Guatemala.”
PBI-Guatemala has accompanied the CCDA since July 2018.
Photo: PBI-Guatemala accompanied criminalized CCDA land defenders at a post-sentencing hearing in November 2019.