How $4 a month helps to defend the defenders…

Published by Brent Patterson on

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A monthly online donation of just $4 a month to Peace Brigades International-Canada would help to continue our work in 8 crucial ways:

1- It would help us to continue to produce a weekly e-newsletter (sent to 3,600 people each week) and social media posts (that reach thousands more) to visibilize the struggles PBI accompanies.

2- It would help us to continue to outreach and find volunteers for our field projects, as we recently did at the request of our projects in Indonesia and Colombia.

3- It would help us to continue to organize informative webinars like the ‘police violence has no borders’ webinar scheduled for October 30.

4- It would help us to continue to visibilizes and contextualize in a global human rights framework Indigenous land defence struggles in this country, as we have been doing for Mi’kmaq land defenders and water protectors

5- It will help us continue to generate hundreds of emails of concern to the Prime Minister, like our recent Urgent Action calling on him to support the Escazu Agreement, a legally binding treaty that would help protect environmental defenders in Latin America.

6- It will help us continue to participate in the Canadian peace movement as we recently did with a massive ‘Defund Warplanes’ banner on Parliament Hill.

7- It will help us to continue to arrange meetings between defenders and Canadian officials as we did recently for Colombian human rights defenders who voiced concerns about the criminalization of local activists criminalized for speaking against a Toronto-based oil company causing social and environmental harms in a Colombian community.

8- It will help us continue to raise questions about Canadian arms exports and violations of human rights, as we recently did about whether riot control equipment manufactured in Canada has been used against Black Lives Matter protests in the US.

To Donate Monthly to PBI-Canada, please click here.

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