#NoALosPilotosDeFracking hashtag on Twitter raises awareness of opposition to fracking in Colombia
On July 2, many individuals and organizations tweeted messages with the hashtag #NoALosPilotosDeFracking (No To The Fracking Pilots).
Media reports have indicated that the Colombian government will grant contracts for fracking pilot projects in September/October and that those activities would begin in 2021.
Some of the messages tweeted included:
CumbrePopularUrbana tweeted an infographic of the VMM-37 block in the Middle Magdalena Basin that could be fracked by ExxonMobil and Patriot Energy (a subsidiary wholly owned by Toronto-based Sintana Energy Inc.).
Luisa Ojeda tweeted: “At Magdalena Medio, we are not willing to take the risks involved in pilot fracking projects.”
Óscar Sampayo tweeted: “No to the Fracking Pilots in the Magdalena Medio, because it would affect the Cienaga de Paredes, the Llanito and the wetland complex of the region where the Manatees live.”
César Pachón tweeted: “They once told us that there should be economic opening in the 90s and they broke us. Then they said that the FTAs were the last salvation and they broke us. Now they say fracking and they are going to break us.”
¡Salvemos el planeta! tweeted: “Truth 4: Have you heard about the climate crisis? Well, fracking deepens and aggravates it. The high greenhouse gas emissions (mainly methane) make it a very very harmful technique for our Earth.”
More tweets can be read by searching the #NoALosPilotosDeFracking hashtag on Twitter.