PBI-Guatemala 5-minute video tells the story of Indigenous campesino resistance to the Cantera Los Manantiales mine in Olopa
On March 6, the Peace Brigades International-Guatemala Project posted on their Facebook page, “Last week the Olopa Resistance celebrated its first anniversary of the installation of a sit-in on the road to the mine.”
PBI-Guatemala continues, “This short video tells about the struggle of the Peaceful Resistance of Olopa, accompanied by Nuevo Dia, against the mining project that started its activities in their territory without a prior, free and informed consultation.”
In the video, Francisco Ramirez says:
“Members of Peace Brigades International (PBI) have provided us with plenty of support particularly with security workshops. I feel fortified by their support. They constantly call me, even at 1 AM. ‘Francisco, where are you? Are you at the blockade? On the road? At home?’ They are monitoring my wellbeing. So yes, they have been a great help.”
To watch the video on Facebook click here, to see it on Vimeo click here.
PBI-Guatemala has accompanied Nuevo Dia since 2009.
On February 26, 2020, PBI-Guatemala accompanied Nuevo Dia at the celebration of the first anniversary of peaceful resistance and installation of a blockade of the ‘Cantera Los Manantiales’ mine in Olopa.